I wish I was there right now. That hot tub was one of the
only things which temporarily eased the pain. |
Last night was one of the worst nights that I've had in a long time. I am getting quite nervous as my surgery got pushed back a week as we dealt with the insurance company and the pain, numbness, and muscle spasms have gotten worse. I think I maybe slept a grand total of an hour last night, and it didn't help matters that
my fiancee/co-worker dislocated her shoulder around midnight while trying to figure out a better way to make me comfortable here. The times I can no longer type or handwrite, she is usually my note-taker and my typist and I've spent many hours dictating things for her usually-able-to-type-120-words-per-minute self. That being said - she can barely hunt and peck right now, and I finally got enough coffee to at least get myself going (if only coffee could cure my pain!).
In short, that means my article is not ready to publish. (It also means I really need to get Dragon Naturally Speaking working again before the surgery). Since I didn't make the 10AM EST deadline I will be pushing it back.
(Although, seeing as the first article was meant to show you just why I need the surgery in the first place, I guess the fact that I can barely write right now shows just how horrible this disc really is making things).
Thank you for your understanding. I promise it will be worth the wait!